Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mia writes...

This is Ginny.

I have shown Mia how to write her new name in English a few times this week. 

I wasn't overly optimistic that she would learn it very soon.  The reason being that even though cognitively she seems very smart, writing/coloring/drawing she seems a bit behind to me.  I don't know if that is because she lost her dominant hand (not saying she did.... I just don't know) or if she just hasn't had a lot of practice. 

Also, I think she is able to read in Chinese since I have seen her point to characters and jabber on like she is reading but have not seen her write any characters. 

Today we were at lunch and I gave Mia a pen to draw with and guess what she wrote.... you guessed it....her name!  She was sooo proud of herself as were we of her.  Tonight she grabbed some more paper and wrote all over it (looks like she is trying to write letters) and then pranced over very proudly to show us. 

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