Thursday, November 8, 2012

Days 6 & 7: Guizhou Countryside and Guiyang City Tours

Ok... sorry for the doubled up post... I'm realizing that time is really flying over here, and if I don't write down things now, some of the details will be lost... and I don't want to forget the experiences we've had over here in the last couple of days with our new daughter.

On Wednesday, we decided to head out to the Guizhou countryside to go visit the Huangguoshu waterfalls. These are the most famous, and largest waterfalls in all of east Asia, and their beauty is unsurpassed!! It was a rather long drive out there (about 2 hours) from Guiyang, and the weather was dreary (low clouds, misty rain), but behind the weather, you can sense that the countryside is gorgeous. We drove past field upon fields that were used for rice production... and you could occasionally see a few workers out there with the more typical Chinese straw hats working with an ox. The girls were having fun playing in the back of the van, even after Mia got sick from eating too much watermellon.

When we got there, we got to walk through a large garden that was filled with all sorts of natural rock formations, as well as lots of bonzai trees. We then continued around towards the waterfalls - and even got to walk behind them through a natural cave formation that allowed visitors to walk around them.

After we had climbed back up, our guide asked if we wanted to have lunch there, or somewhere else. We chose there, and were treated to an incredible meal that was about as geninue Chinese food as one could ask. Sticky rice, egg with veggies, spicy (wow!) pork, and stir fry chicken with chilis. It was all fantastic!

The next day (today) we had a later start, so we were able to relax and enjoy a slow start... which includes going down to breakfast and generally making a scene :) I mean, an American family with a very chatty Chinese adopted daughter, all running around getting food and having a great time... I'm sure we turned a few Chinese businessmen's heads while we've been here.

Once we met our guide Vickie... we went over to the Provisional Museum here in the city that showcased the minority people of Guizhou province. That was pretty cool to see all the customs, outfits, and activities that the various groups have. After a quick tour of the museum... it was time to go shopping in the official state-run gift shop. We've been told by others who have adopted from Guiyang to buy our souvenirs here instead of waiting for Guangzhou... so we did :) After all that, we went over to the city pavilion for a few photos and a quick tour. During our time there, we came across a couple more families that asked to have their pictures taken with Ashlyn... which we gladly allowed. We were told by our guide that all Chinese people strive for fair skin and blond hair - or that they consider that to be beauty... and since Ashlyn is all that, they all want to have their photo with her.

After all that, we went to Pizza Hut again for a late lunch, and are now back to the hotel for the day... so overall, a very full week here in Guiyang. We're looking forward to tomorrow with the late flight out to Guangzhou - 1.) for the weather - it'll be much warmer, and 2.) it'll mean we're half way home!!

Sisters watching the Huangguoshu Falls

Family photo :)

She definitely gets the giggles! :)

Ashlyn and the Chinese paparazzi --- AGAIN

The 600 year old pavilion in the center of Guiyang

Passing time in an Apple store in China - I impressed them with my new iPhone 5 when the store only carried the iPhone 4S.

1 comment:

  1. Hope things are going well! I am loving your accounts of the experiences you are having and I can't wait to meet Mia.
