Christmas time is such a busy time for us. Fortunately, Mia loves to be busy. Her file had mentioned that "she likes to go many places." I am realizing just how true this is. When we asked her foster mother what she was afraid of, she said, "nothing." This is also true.
Mia has done so much these last few weeks. She has attended several Christmas parties and festivities, started her 4th week of school, gone rollerskating, watched the Nutcracker, gone to the zoo to see the wildlights, sang on stage at church and smiled through many Christmas photo attempts (sorry Christmas photos just didn't happen this year).
She is learning English and amazing me with new words and phrases each day. And she understands a ton now.
She has also begun to learn the alphabet. I think she knows at least half her letters/sounds (everyday we eat lunch while watching the Letter Factory added bonus is that Austin is learning his letters too) and is slowly but surely beginning to write her letters (so far Aa, Bb, Cc, i, and M). I don't think she had much practice writing/coloring/drawing in China and had a lot of trouble in the beginning. She couldn't even draw a circle. So, I "make" her write a page of letters each day and she is making progress. One of the best tips (got this from her kindergarten teacher) is to use a highlighter to make the letters and then let Mia trace with a pencil. This has worked wonderfully for her.
Her favorite letter is "B" because it stands for "Baba" and I am beginning to think that is the only thing it stands for in her mind.
Here Mia is singing on stage at our church. She is standing on the middle right side next to the candle decoration in the pink dress. Ashlyn is above her in a pink dress and Ryan is on the top row second from the left. She amazed me with how well she did on stage. She was a pro! This definitely ranks as one of my top proud parent moments.
Getting ready to hang Christmas ornaments bought in China.
Hanging the ornaments.
It is kind of blurry but if you come to my house on a Friday night this is what you might see. Hot chocolate and a movie. Although, just as likely they are in jammies snuggled on the floor with pillows and blankets.
Adam's work puts on a children's Christmas party each year complete with balloons, breakfast, Santa, presents, and crafts. They do such a great job.
At the work Christmas Party. One of my favorites.
All of us with Santa. Austin wanted nothing to do with him and Mia couldn't jump in his lap fast enough.
At the work Christmas Party. One of my favorites.
All of us with Santa. Austin wanted nothing to do with him and Mia couldn't jump in his lap fast enough.
Going to the Columbus Zoo to see the wildlights. So fun!
Mia loves to help me in the kitchen. Making sugar cookies on this day.
Attempting a Christmas photo.
And then Mia started to do this.
Followed by this... so cute!
I love this picture of Mia with Nana and Papa. They took care of the boys while we were in China and then spent Thanksgiving with us. Mia hasn't seen them since Thanksgiving but she talks about them ALL the time.
Our family of 6.
One more attempt at the perfect photo...oh well.
I love that a new stocking has been added this year.